March 14, 2025
Planning post of your choice
Audio development
For most of my content on audio, most of the sounds that will be implemented into the project will be copy right free sounds/music that mostly originate in Pixabay/YouTube. The sounds effects and music that I pick are more suspence and horror, which I wouldn't say its a big suprizes considering my whole filming project is dedicated to horror/action. The starting of my project I've implemented ambiance sound office effects along with fans running in the background. You can also hear suspence horror music as well adding more depth into being more of a horror introduction film to start with. It starts to get more suspending when all of a sudden you hear a sound in which it only gets louder and louder until it gets interrupted by a house phone call. It was bringin up suspension when all of a sudden it crashes leading to unexpected cut to a phone call.
Hazy is the one of the characters in the film who leaves a voice message to Jim about her exploring anabaundand high school when all of a sudden her confidence is destroyed upon finding one of the dead people who were remaind missing in one of the papers in Jim's room. You can hear her voice starting to become fearful when she realizes that she isn't alone, suspence music slowly comes up as well when something just does seem right. Out of the distance you can hear running over the phone and she screams before the phone line cuts off with the door myseriouly just slamming the door shut by itself, creating tension and Action.
Implementing Mise-en-Scene Elements Part 2
Implementing Mise-en-Scene Elements Part 1
implementation of mise-en-scene pt1
planning post focusing on character development
Focusing on Character Development
March 13, 2025
Post including your script or storyboard
script or storyboard Breakdown
During my Project I have also implemented a storyboard which can best help me understand my own thoughts and process when writing it down, especially with images to help understand what's going on. Storyboards help me the most especially when making a recording of the project and looking at the images to help me understand what, where, and how to shoot. By making this story board I am well aware of the processing steps on what to do, or better yet make it better by making some upgrades to it.
These will be the following materials I need for the project: Gloves, Polar images, wanted papers, application paper, monitors, car, house phone and knifes.
script or storyboard Breakdown
During my Project I have also implemented a storyboard which can best help me understand my own thoughts and process when writing it down, especially with images to help understand what's going on. Storyboards help me the most especially when making a recording of the project and looking at the images to help me understand what, where, and how to shoot. By making this story board I am well aware of the processing steps on what to do, or better yet make it better by making some upgrades to it.These will be the following materials I need for the project: Gloves, Polar images, wanted papers, application paper, monitors, car, house phone and knifes.
summarizing your project idea
My Project plan summary (work in progress)
Research a media theory to integrate into your project.
Media Theory
- How is this media made (why do many horror movies have suspence sounds and dark scenes)
- Reaction to the media (Why do some love horror while others hate it)
- How the media is able to change society (How news can change peoples opinions)
2. Hypodermic Needle Theory: It tells a way that the media has a strong pull towards the audiance, it is accepted in a way that they watch or hear it without asking any questions about it. It's like if they're being spoon feeds ideas directly into peoples minds.
Integrating Genre Theory into my project.
March 12, 2025
Reflection post about group meeting
Reflections on Our Group Meeting
When dissussing about my project, which the topic is thriller, horror and murder mystery at first, I wasn't fully confident in the project idea itself however I was able to get some guidance from the students who I was working with in my group on how to make it more of a "horror mystery". by trying to implement people into my project. However, about my project, I was explaining to them that no one was going to be in the film and most of their reactions were kinda confusing, like, how were you going to make a horror murder mystery film when no one is going to be there? I'm going to use off putting sounds, shadow effects, and posters, photos, and fliers to indicate somewhat of a myserious film introduction. There's a few images below that I will use during my project that will shows suspence and horror.
![]() |
Polaroid Camera |
![]() |
Monitors/lighting |
February 28, 2025
Creating a timeline schedule
I'll be creating a schedule timeline schedule to keep track of the things that I have to do that's important first. I'll be breaking down into sections on what I think best needs to be done first before the due date meets its match. Since the project is due on March 15 I'll try to best prioritize my time into finishing this project and I think making a own schedule for it is a great idea.
Timeline Breakdown
Finishing up
1) being able to catch up with the blog posts (typing up to date)
2) Reasearching/planning (whole introduction plot)
3) Taking different types of angle shots taken (the paper planner sheet)
4) Creating fake document paper and making a horror scene room.
5) Implementing lighting effects on play (flickering, distance lighting, background lighting)
6) Adding in horror/atmosphere/suspence sounds effect on to the editing application. (mostly using Pixabay)
7) Adding in lighting effect: Creating the scene more suspence and horror
8). Use the blur effect within the application to highlight important documentations in view.
February 20, 2025
Three opening films, Analysis and Discussion: Horror/Thriller
Credit scene
- The font thats being used throughout the movie is a Scream white sharp font that could blend in with the black background.
- The placement of credits are at the end of the movie which allows the audience to watch the movie without disruption.
Ashley Hajimirsadeghi (all of us are dead):
Font Meme (All of us are Dead):
Melissa Coy (A Quiet Place ll):
HyperPix (A Quiet Place II):
Roger Ebert (Scream):
Font meme (Scream):
February 17, 2025
Portfolio project plans
Approaching The Project
For my approach for the Media portfolio project, the themes I'm going to pick is going to be Horror/Thriller and the reason why is because I'm a big fan of suspencful horror action myself and I believe that I know best on how to add in some horror suspence drama into my project, to be able to build up suspence and when the right time comes in, bring a big scare into the audience not expecting whats expected. So over the time I've been researching even more information on implementing those genre into my filming along with providing a movie example which I personally think does it well. This will be a murder mystery horror case that I MIGHT be using one of my friends to read a script during this project. The project itself wouldn't have anybody in it but might have signs of people there like for exampe: phone call, photos, images, and shadows itself.
A video called Double Vision by Isabelle Kiser, this is one of my own inspiration for starting my own horror/thriller filming. I thought everything about it was good, well, mostly everything about it, didn't really like why she turned off the lights when the killer clone was right infront of her, but to each their own. What I've really liked about it is how was the coloring layout they've picked and the atmosphere of sound you could hear around the surrounding film adn ontop of that the appropriate music that was added on to show suspence.
My project will be somewhat similar to this but will be a bit more suspencful and no one is going to be on the film itself but might show hints of people there like: photos, shadows, movement, and banging from a door or wall (still thinking about adding that to the project). A murder mystery is going around and maybe ontop of that a haunted spirits are living in this house where this project will take in a security office (AKA my room). Camera will be glancing at objects and papers around the walls which will show hints of murderings that took place at before. most of the sound effects that would be use in this project will be taken from Pixabay with its original credit to source.
February 11, 2025
Disscussing 3 opening films (horror and thriller)
As I continue to develop my own horror/thriller film opening project, I've been reasearching about how films established their tone, character, and suspense in just a few minutes. Having an great opening can immediately draw the attention of the audience in, which sets the expectations for the rest of the film. My goal is it create a tense, suspence opening, I've been paying close attention to cinematography, sounds, and pacing.
In this post I tend to break down three horror/thriller openings that I found pretty effective: Scream (1996), A Quiet Place (2018), and Get out (2017). They each use different techniques to be able to build up tension, and I want to take inspiration from them from my own project.
Film Studies
Scream (1996): The film starts out with a highschool girl Casey, whom she's home alone. She answers a phone call which seems to be harmless however it gets more threatening. The caller tells her that she's watching her and it ends with her dead in violence, which sets the stakes high.
Fiming and editiingScene starts out with soft lighting, neutral lighting and slow, The camera moves slowly making everything feel normal at first. Soon the shots get tighter, and the editing becomes faster, which increases panic use of framing. Most of the shots are her isolated in the frame reinforces that she's pancking in fear.
- The phone ringing starts to become an unsetteling and strange by just hearing the ring itself and nothing else playing in the background, building os suspence
- Background noises are like crickets, dog barking contrast with the silence of the house.
- The voices on the phone changes from normal to menacing, which manipulates the audiences emotions.
I like how the scene opening builds suspense through any directions before any actions occure. The shift from slow pacing to quick cuts is something that I'll incorporate when my own scenen escalates.
Filming and Editing
- It uses long shots and slow tracking shots in a way to show silences.
- Camera lingers on some small details (like showing the foot steps of the feet or language) by informing the audience of the films world without having to show dialogue.
- close up on some facial expressions which show emotional tension making the actions feel important.
- They implement silence as their key, since every tiny sound they make feels somewhat exaggerated or dangerous..
- Sudden burst of sound (that's coming from the toy) is horrifying, and just shows how deadly noises can be in this world
- they focus the audience attention more on ambient sounds
The opening shows how you can create tensions without dialogue. For my filming project I want to implement silence in my own scene with a bit of suspence music in the background. Maybe tenstion to remain quiet whie something lurcks by using small sounds which can be effective.
Filming and Editing
- Usages of long films makes the sence feel realistic.
- The slow pacing at the start which makes the attack more unexpected
- smooth tracking camera movements,frequently quiet.
February 5, 2025
Find The Right Genre
Horror/Thriller Reasearch
Going through my Cambridge portfolio project, I think it's time to select my possible genres choices for my project. For during the past week, I started brainstorming the different possible ideas and concepts of what to do. I was the kind of person who loves thriller and horror. They're somewhat similar when creating suspence to the audience but in different ways by bringing them into a fear factor shocked. I've always found suspence and fear to be exciting yet, intriguing to what's going to happend next. Thus, For my research blog I'm going to disscussing the type of genres and how they would be implemented onto my film project.
Basic Reasearch: Horror vs Thriller
To understand how they would be implemented into my video project, it's important to understand how they can be used and what they are. Horror is designed in a way to give somewhat of an unsettling and shock to the audience, in which can explore events like supernatural or monstrous themes, aiming to envoke fear and suspense. Its main goal is to make the audience feel shock or discomfort, so they highly focuse on imagery and sound.
You can take Goosebumps as to a genre of horror, as it sets unsettling situations that often relate to childeren fear in mind. With each episode focuses on different paranormal events that happends but with less fear and suspence since it's suitable to watch for kids.Thriller on the other hand is all about tension, suspence and mystery. Unlike horror with supernatural scares, thriller uses an alternative method like conflict, crime, and other high dangerous actions to keep the viewers entertained in watching. Their goal is to create suspension and excitement instead of fear, and focus on plost twist or high dangerous situation that just puts you in fear.
The movie World War Z is a zombie fast pace apocalypes in which the main characters have to make some difficult choices into surviving. With close calls with horders of zombies running into their way. This shows a best representation of thriller as though out the movie shows suspence and quick moving decisions in order to stay safe from being bittenImplementing horror/ Thriller into my project.
During my video project representation, a little sneak peak to it but it'll be about a murder mystery case, which there would be no main character showing on camera but you can see hints of a person on camera through a shadow, movement, sound, and suspence. I want the style of the project to be slow and fast paced. And you'll see a lot of information that's important visual wise.