Focusing on Character Development
Through out the project film there will only be two chararcters named Jim and Hazy. Although their appearance is barley shown on the project, you can still notice their basic appearance based on inferences and conclusions like sounds and movement (showing hands). Hazy is the one on the phone who's currently leaving a voicemail at Jim house home phone system. She's more of an explorer and likes to do things herself while Jim on the other hand is barley is to be shown talking at all instead you can see his movements and shadow through the film which is indication for another person shown. A very dark plot twist happends at the end of the film when her best friend Jim decided to end her life betraying their own friendship they once had for eachother. You can consider Hazy to be more independant and brave while Jim is psycho with malicious intent to murder people.
As for the story plot as it becomes more and more suspence and later in the film you start to realize that Jim isn't at his home because he knows that she's outside exploring in an abandoned school, we soon know from the start that all those missing people were previously the people he'd killed before and she was going to be the next one. From the start he already kept track of where she was planning to go. He knew she'll call his house number before the unexpectded happends.
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