March 14, 2025

Planning post of your choice

Locations settings 

The location of the setting will take place in different locations for each set. During the start of the film it would take place in my room (which I call it the office) this would be the scene where things start to take a turn. The first scene of the film project shows the wall of the office which show cases many different sheets of paper that's hanged on the wall. My room alone as well as the outside at night will mostly be taken. There would be very small moments where when Hazy (the one on the phone) will be talking about the deceased person that she seese there would be an unexpected flash cut scene of a jeep turning on outside during the night before switching back to the phone call. The unexpected quick flashes that happend are prior before when she dies. So when she saids on the phone line "I see someone.... I think they're following me.... they're like... They might have a knife" and then quciky flash cuts to a scene showcasing Tim (the killer) showing and holding on to his knife wearing all back to blend in the dark. These main locations: room and outside (dark) will best show horror/thriller astetics. 


There would be some moments in the project where I would like to make some changes to the project that would make the project better. My first thing that I might change is more unexpected cuts and showing some parts of the film itself at night while Hazy (on the phone). So while Hazy talks about her adventure about the school I could implement some scenes of records of the school at night so that way It'll be a better representation rather than just showing the room itself most of the time. Have maybe an introduction during the start of the film and having all the credits show in the background. 

Audio development

 For most of my content on audio, most of the sounds that will be implemented into the project will be copy right free sounds/music that mostly originate in Pixabay/YouTube. The sounds effects and music that I pick are more suspence and horror, which I wouldn't say its a big suprizes considering my whole filming project is dedicated to horror/action. The starting of my project I've implemented ambiance sound office effects along with fans running in the background. You can also hear suspence horror music as well adding more depth into being more of a horror introduction film to start with. It starts to get more suspending when all of a sudden you hear a sound in which it only gets louder and louder until it gets interrupted by a house phone call. It was bringin up suspension when all of a sudden it crashes leading to unexpected cut to a phone call. 

Hazy is the one of the characters in the film who leaves a voice message to Jim about her exploring an
abaundand high school when all of a sudden her confidence is destroyed upon finding one of the dead people who were remaind missing in one of the papers in Jim's room. You can hear her voice starting to become fearful when she realizes that she isn't alone, suspence music slowly comes up as well when something just does seem right. Out of the distance you can hear running over the phone and she screams before the phone line cuts off with the door myseriouly just slamming the door shut by itself, creating tension and Action.

Implementing Mise-en-Scene Elements Part 2

As I continue to focus on imputing mise-en-scene elements like atmosphere, props, sound, lighting, and tension. One of the charaters named Hazy plays a key role in expressing her emotions during the phone call by seeing her in vulnerability and fear as she runs from something she believes that someone is chasing her. The murderer (Jim), although you're not able to see his whole appearance, you can still see parts of his arm show to frame in which he'll be wearing a black jacket, black pants, his whole clothing is black. Hearing Hazy over the phone call talking about she's inside some rundown school creates a sense of isolation. She then later talks about finding one of the missing person in the school who looks to be dead, which brings a dread of fear to the audience of what's going to happen next. Hearing background noises in the phone call as well as her describing what she seese we get quick flashes of Jim having to plan this before time before he murders her. As for an example when she seese someone she then describes what he's doing and what he's wearing and when he starts to charge at her she decides to run and scream when all of the sudden she gets murdered which then furthers intensify the horror aspect. 

The low lighting and flickering gets intense when she starts to get attacked by Jim, building more suspence. The camera moves through the shadow, which further isolation and the panic it progresses as she tries to escape the scene. The lighting and the cutoff from audio when the door gets shut as soon as she dies creates an somewhat unchilling vibe as to what happend to her, or if she's still alive or dead.

Implementing Mise-en-Scene Elements Part 1

 implementation of mise-en-scene pt1 

By creating mise-en-scene elements into my project I'm well able to enhances the horror/thriller aesthetics. The sets and desgin I've added during the beginning when showing missing posters and random advertisements that creates an unsettling investigation atmosphere. Camera cuts and looks at the monitor that's displaying static while the other one shows outdated software system which adds on a sense of technology decay. a unexpected sound that starts from low to high, reaching the highest part before it suddenly quickly stops and cuts to a phone house number ringing which intensify the mystery as it pams over to a checklist of crossed out names who have been murdered placing another missing poster sign which provides a visual storytelling. These contributations make the story feel more horror and somewhat real. And additionally, how the murder (Jim) appearanceis like when the girl (Hazy) starts to describe his own appearanc before unexpectedly killing her.

Light and sound itslelf play an important role when creating a film's atmophsere. The usage of low lighting, flickering screen from one of the monitors, sudden darkness, and seeing the foreshadow of danger. Adding in background sounds in the starting of the film, from atmospheric to suspensful music, creating a immersive experience which cuts to unsettling situation that goes into insane factor. Getting to hear voice phone calls, along with frantic breathing and running, with a deep sense of urgency before the girl screams in pain and at the same time you hear the door slam shut unexpectedly, turning complete pitch black after. reciving close up and different angles of around the room, panning over the evidence of the murderer having his own list, making it a horror experience that keeps the audience engaged into watching more.

planning post focusing on character development

 Focusing on Character Development

Through out the project film there will only be two chararcters named Jim and Hazy. Although their appearance is barley shown on the project, you can still notice their basic appearance based on inferences and conclusions like sounds and movement (showing hands). Hazy is the one on the phone who's currently leaving a voicemail at Jim house home phone system. She's more of an explorer and likes to do things herself while Jim on the other hand is barley is to be shown talking at all instead you can see his movements and shadow through the film which is indication for another person shown. A very dark plot twist happends at the end of the film when her best friend Jim decided to end her life betraying their own friendship they once had for eachother. You can consider Hazy to be more independant and brave while Jim is psycho with malicious intent to murder people. 

As for the story plot as it becomes more and more suspence and later in the film you start to realize that Jim isn't at his home because he knows that she's outside exploring in an abandoned school, we soon know from the start that all those missing people were previously the people he'd killed before and she was going to be the next one. From the start he already kept track of where she was planning to go. He knew she'll call his house number before the unexpectded happends.