Horror/Thriller Reasearch
Going through my Cambridge portfolio project, I think it's time to select my possible genres choices for my project. For during the past week, I started brainstorming the different possible ideas and concepts of what to do. I was the kind of person who loves thriller and horror. They're somewhat similar when creating suspence to the audience but in different ways by bringing them into a fear factor shocked. I've always found suspence and fear to be exciting yet, intriguing to what's going to happend next. Thus, For my research blog I'm going to disscussing the type of genres and how they would be implemented onto my film project.
Basic Reasearch: Horror vs Thriller
To understand how they would be implemented into my video project, it's important to understand how they can be used and what they are. Horror is designed in a way to give somewhat of an unsettling and shock to the audience, in which can explore events like supernatural or monstrous themes, aiming to envoke fear and suspense. Its main goal is to make the audience feel shock or discomfort, so they highly focuse on imagery and sound.
You can take Goosebumps as to a genre of horror, as it sets unsettling situations that often relate to childeren fear in mind. With each episode focuses on different paranormal events that happends but with less fear and suspence since it's suitable to watch for kids.Thriller on the other hand is all about tension, suspence and mystery. Unlike horror with supernatural scares, thriller uses an alternative method like conflict, crime, and other high dangerous actions to keep the viewers entertained in watching. Their goal is to create suspension and excitement instead of fear, and focus on plost twist or high dangerous situation that just puts you in fear.
The movie World War Z is a zombie fast pace apocalypes in which the main characters have to make some difficult choices into surviving. With close calls with horders of zombies running into their way. This shows a best representation of thriller as though out the movie shows suspence and quick moving decisions in order to stay safe from being bittenImplementing horror/ Thriller into my project.
During my video project representation, a little sneak peak to it but it'll be about a murder mystery case, which there would be no main character showing on camera but you can see hints of a person on camera through a shadow, movement, sound, and suspence. I want the style of the project to be slow and fast paced. And you'll see a lot of information that's important visual wise.