The word that was given to me (and my partner Andrew) for the project was the word "frustrated".
We both came up with an idea to start out our filming in a school organization, especifically in a classroom. The story will begin with a student having a hardtime understanding test that was given to him. Through out the project there's some intense thinking and some fustration emotions that he shows while trying to answer the problems his best. The student then zones out and gets a flashback of him playing video games while there's a sticky note on the wall showcasing that the test was going to be due tomorrow, which saids a lot about how prepared the student is. We get a close up of the clock ticking to resembles the time that's passing by.The teacher takes the students scantron test paper away and grades it and the student feels stressed out and devastated. After the time ticks and passes by the teacher comes back with the graded scantron and the student ends up failing the test in which the student gets angry and crumbles the test paper and throws it in the ground. Our word "fustrated" really comes to express itself at the end of the film after he gets his grade.
During our brainstorming selection this mostly came off of our heads of what to do and plan out of the scene. me and my partner decided to do our own planning with the same subject and intro of the start. So we both started with the subject of a school classroom setting and intro of the student taking the test, from there we both set our own ways and brainstorm of to how we could do our own planning of it. For me I was just gathering my ideas from my head and planning what to put or things. Once we've both finished with our brainstorming ideas we compaired them to both agree or disagree to pick which sence or idea sounds better, and change some ideas of part of the story that sounded good. Through our both stories we've created, we made a new story planner to be our finalizer of how we're going to plan the filming.
The storyboard helped me pre-visualize my project my project because it allowed me to get a clear visual of the outline each sence before we both evaulate it and organize any ideas that might need changing. It just helps with make everything plan out smoothly before when starting the actual production of our filming. we both shared our own ideas, planned it out and discussed it and decided to finalize it on a sheet of paper.
The editing resources that I utilized were effects like black out, a rainbow aura effect, din dark effect around during the close up of the clock, a bright filter effect and a black and white filter effect. I also added sounds through out the project for a better understanding.
I feel like through out the sences I wasn't really putting out my best acts like, I was more smiling then acually being like stressed/angry-ish. I could've putten out more of an exciting expression during my foreshadowing when I was playing video games. My overall acting and movement expression is probably not the best to be honest. Some of the editing transitions could've been better for example the part where I zoom in from my head and everything turns black and goes to the camera, I didn't like that zoom in from the head, could've used a better transition.
Link to your project