March 13, 2025

summarizing your project idea

 My Project plan summary (work in progress)  

For the introduction of my filming, the starting scene will take place a room, showcasing a close up shot of peices of paper that are on the wall, in which some of them nothing to do with the filming (since it's random advertisements I made on photoshop) and other sheets showing important information about missing people (my friends I used during my project) which will be important later on during the filming. Sounds you'll start to hear are background sounds that I've added to try to replicate atmosphere of the settings, as well as adding in suspence music to enchance the horror aesthetics. 

The camera cuts to the other scene where it shows a mid shot view of a computer setup in which one of the monitors is broken with a static view while the other presents old software version of windows. A few seconds after strange unsetteling sound starts to appear slowly from low volume to high quickly and when the unsettling pitch reaches its climaxe the sound cuts and aswell as the camera to another scene showing a high shot view of the house phone that's ringing. 

It continues to ring until it reaches voicemail and you can hear someone on the phone that sounds terrified and scared as they pled for help. The chararcter is continues to talk about how this abandoned school (Cypress Bay High) is secretly haunted. she saids she's hearing movement and sound throughout the school. Hearing footsteps and sounds coming near them. We can get to hear them run and pant in a rush, while the phone call is happening the camera pams over through all the paperwork on desk which provides the myserious compiries of the students dissapering in that school ontop of adding suspence in the background. While shes running she's screaming for help as she yells out the desription of the person that's chasing her. and while she does it goes from an unexpected cut from the house phone to a person who has on the items that she's describing; She even describes the car that the person got out of. During the end of the phone call you'll hear a loud yelling sound and the caller start screaming until the phone just unexpectedly cuts out. 

While the character screams and pleds not to die, the camera shows the outside of the room door and when the phone call ends the door slams by it self and we see pitch black. After a few seconds of darkness the camera starts to fade back into seeing a close up view of a checklist of a paper that shows the names and her name being crossed out as well with others. The murderer puts up the missing poster sign next to the others that he's killed in the past, which people remain and think that the school is haunted.

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