During the lessons and the assigned videos I've learned and will continue to learn the concepts of sound design. I've exploered and know how sounds could be one of the most important concept that could have the availability to change the effect or mood through out the story, depending on how the author puts it. How adjusting the volume, fequency, and timing could effect the sound experience. Foley artists really interest me because they're really creative from creating realistic sounds that come to play in films. They could use things like vegetables to break or twist apart and it would make a sound of the outside wildlife. Celery or carrots can be an example of stepping on branches or sticks that come away. This could be great for recreating sounds for the audience experience to hear the full sound of the ambient wildlife sounds.
In my lessons of studying sounds I've learned how different types of sound would be able to create atmosphere which could help tell stories in the media. Synchrononous sounds matches from the film of what the person can see, while asynchronous sound is the opposite, not hearing the sounds of the screen. Diedetic sound comes from the scene like the radio or people talking As compaired to non-diegetic sounds you can only hear during things like background music, things that can only be heard by the author. Sound perspective makes sounder coming from close or farther away, which this could help in transiting between scenes of sounds. Stings are short sounds but unique that grabs attention to the viewers. Each sound the technique plays important roles and makes it engaging depending on the type of scenario you want to create.
For the objective of the sound project is to create and learn how to tell a story by using audio effects and other sound techniques without filming. Brainstorming 1-2 minutes school-approprite scene that takes place during real time. It should be added with various sounds to be able to convery the story without visuals but in order to start the project you will need to fill out the brainstorming sheet to help you plan out your ideas but simple ideas like getting ready for school, cooking, or a robbery are not permitted. Once picking your scene, you will have to create a detailed outline of the sound plan to use to make the story more realistic. However there's a limit of wording you could say on your project for up to 7. You will submit the project in the link posting it inside the word document shared by the class as with the editing process as well.
For my approach for completing the project I started to brainstorm with me and my partners, thinking of an ideas of things that would allow me to tell a story through sound. Me and my group were able to come up with an amazing story timeline about a guy entering an abandoned mansion house but it comes with a twist of something spokey that happens inside the house that makes the man wanna leave it. Mysterious ghost and spirits haunt it. Me and my group members decided to write it down, making a brainstorming list sheet of the sounds that would be added this this particular events in which what would be played and occured. This could help organize the sounds, giving our members a clear structure to follow During the brainstorming we each figured out what type of item we have to create for the foley stage Since four were required to be in the sound project. We created foley sounds using celery, broom, carboard box, and spagetti angle hair that represents different sounds that happends throughout the project. celery was grass that the main character was stepping on, broom recreates the sound of the bushes brushing by the wind, carboard box (tear) represents the stairs breaking though as the characters falls over, and spaghetti (angle hair) was used for breaking twigs.
For the editing resources, all of our members used the application Adobe Premiere pro and sound effects that was in the links attached in the project would best be appropriate for the setting of this story. I believe most of us decided to use Pixabay, Youtube, and Filmstock. During editing I tried to look for sounds that resemble the outside night, as well as a car sound effect stopping by. (each of us split the sound project into sections so we'll know who's doing what) What I mostly did during my editing was sound layering, to continue adding layers or sound to prevent a weird unexpected cut during the project. Some of the sound effects I had sped up because the stepping sound effects were going a bit slow and boosted the volume a bit higher on the little parts that's hard to hear.
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