October 18, 2024

Blog posting - Representation


The game Roblox, which has about 1 billion downloads on google play store and played by millions of people everyday offers you almost an endless customization to dress up how ever style of animation you like from blocky avatars to realistic designs. The simple default blocky avatar when you first create an account offers you a feel of nostalgic moments, well particulary Generation Z and Gen Alpha. It holds a special place in the hearts of those who grew up with it. Although Roblox has almost to millions of games inside its application that's mostly created by the community and people itself, it offers some classic Roblox games like Natural Disaster Survival or Murder Mystery 2.The amount of games it has allow users to pick different genre to allow different styles and experiences that would soon be iconic over time.

The basic blocky avatar is a simple cubical design which is used in games that offers mostly wide shots to capture its full movements in the open world. Wideshots allow you to see everything in the way, in which you could change to perspective view to first person by scrolling the mouse all the way until you reach it. Its sound design for movement and jumping effects is easy to reconize as they're unique in its own way as the sound is sharp and clear which adds a bit of simplicity of the design. editing desgin on these games vary depending on the type of game you plan on looking for, as there's millions of online games inside Roblox that provide different expirences. But in the game switching cameras and angle positions are quickly easy to do depending how you want it. it makes the avatar's look simple and eveything feels basic and straightfoward.

You can buy realistic Avatar's in the shop, which is smoother, and more human-like porportions than the basic blockly one. Games that provide you to only be in POV view allow you to see more detailed with other avatars how they are and detailed making the character a bit more lifelike-ish. Editing in during the most of the games require quck cuts that switch quickly between angles, which makes the gameplay more exciting and modern. Blocky avatars offer more nosalgia and simple character desgine while realistic avatars allows how the people want to be represented, showing their desgine and appeal and realism. Roblox in general uses a lot of sound, editing, and angles designs in their games that appeal to the audiance depending on how they feel on the type of games they're going to play.