During the development of our music project, me and Addison went around outside the school property and did our filming. The start of the loaction would take place the side walk at the front of the portals of the 800's building, why? because since the intro of the music started with, "hands to burnt, sitting on the side of the road" we decided to find a location that has a road near it so we could sorta match up the music to the lyrics of the song, and usually music lyrics that start off with that usually takes place outdoor in a sunny, hot day. I made this shot a long shot to get the whole view to start out where the character is and the atmosphere around that surrounds it. The intro was also sorta of a long take that we decided to do, especially when trying to switch it up in real time from close up and back to midshot during when Madison saids the lines of "get up up up up up up up" (x2).
After that take I was planning to transition the camera position moving it towards the concret view from the 400's building from the ground up, however there was kinda an issue within doing that process which was quaility. The recording quaility when shooting it from the ground up was not that good since the phone camera quality was rubbish, instead we decided to just shoot a longshot view of the stairs of the 400's, with Addison slightly up the stairs so she has the higher angle while she looks at the camera straight down.
There was a sudden pause throught the lyrics when there was just music playing and no one speaking through it for the couple of seconds. During that part we decided to implement some establishing shots around the 900's building and a long shot of the outside campus which extents from the 900's building to the cafeteria. Agreed and thought it would be a good idea.
Music Marketing Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mJnYQslArs